
Phases 1 & 2 Joiners Court, Pegasus Road.

Project Summary.

Client – Catalyst Housing Association
Clients Representative – Rapleys LLP
Location – Cowley, Oxford
Value – £550k
Programme – 24 Weeks

After extensive fabric and structural damage, caused by the breakout of fire to the first floor of Joiners Court, Creative Construction were appointed to undertake a package of remediation, repair & reinstatement works for Catalyst Housing Association.

Initially aimed at preventing the further degradation of the building in Phase One, the subsequent planned return of residents into their units, following reinstatement back to an original standard after the completion of the Phase Two works.

Working closely with Rapley’s on an open book tender basis, we were able to mobilise to site swiftly, completing works to secure the building and weatherproof the exposed structure. Once secured, the building occupiers contents were inventoried and removed to storage off site, fire & water damaged contents disposed, building fabric stripped, with smoke and water damage treatment undertaken.
Phase Two works see the reinstatement of the damaged roof structure and coverings, internal finishes and full replacement of the electrical and plumbing installations serving the fire and water affected areas. As works progress, the phased occupation of the 12nr units through sectional completion, see close coordination with Rapley’s & Catalyst, allowing the client to partially occupy the building, until full occupation at final handover.

Key Trade Packages:
  • Scaffolding
  • Strip Out/Demolition
  • Contents Removal & Storage
  • Smoke & Water Damage Treatment
  • Structural Repairs & Roof Replacements Electrical & Plumbing Installations
  • Internal Wall, Ceiling & Floor Finish Reinstatement