Plot 49, Royal Portbury Dock, Bristol.
Project Summary.
Client – The Bristol Port Company
Location – Plot 49, Royal Portbury Dock, Portbury, Bristol
Value – £482k
Programme – 15 Weeks
This refurbishment and construction scheme consisted of forming first floor welfare space in an area previously used for storage, as well as alterations to the adjoining industrial space.
Works included the construction of partition walls and full mechanical, electrical and fire alarm installations as well as all internal finishes, fixtures and fittings to form a new welfare area. A steel fire escape staircase was designed, fabricated and installed to the first floor. Works were also undertaken to the ground floor including the dismantling and construction of partitions, mechanical and electrical alterations as well as internal finishes and the installation of fire rated aluminium windows.
The works to the warehouse included the construction of jumbo partitioning to separate areas as well as mechanical and electrical alterations and installations. New openings were formed for 2 No. roller shutter doors, (the largest of the two being 7m x 7m) and a steel double doorset. All industrial doors were also installed and new concrete ramps were constructed to provide access. Finally, the concrete slab was repaired and given an epoxy floor coating.
Key Trade Packages:
- Strip Out & Builders Works
- Ceilings & Partitions
- Mechanical & Electrical
- Internal Decorations
- Groundworks
- Steelwork
- Aluminium Windows
- Industrial Doors
- Soft Flooring & Whiterock
- Epoxy Floor Coating